Business Support Services

Business Support

We assist our clients in other business support services including following:

Budgeting & MIS Reporting System

We assist in developing a periodical MIS reporting system for senior management in order to analyse budget variances vs actual performance and monitoring day-to-day performance.


We assist our clients to carry out an independent valuation for internal/external audit and/or for third party.

Performance Assessment and its Enhancement

We assist in evaluating the critical factors affecting the performance and prepare an action plan to improve the overall performance efficiency of the business. This includes to identify areas of reducing costs without affecting the performance, define the procedures to enhance the efficiency, prioritising the key tasks, cashflow management, disposal of assets, financial stability and growth strategies etc. We also develop sets of key performance Indicators to track operating and financial success.

Assisting in Financing

We assist in arranging equity partner and/or debt/loan financing from the banks/financial institutions for the project. We also assist you in arranging working capital facility for the project.

Accounting System

We provide our assistance to develop accounting systems and procedures in order to improve efficiency and to support your decision-making process. We also advice how to use the accounting system to monitor the performance and develop formats for periodical MIS reporting. We also design systems for management information, accounting and control and recommend automated systems wherever appropriate. We can also team up your inhouse or external Information Technology experts to design and implement automated systems.

VAT and Other Taxes Services

We provide our professional services in relation to VAT and other taxes. We also help you developing a system so that you comply with the relevant tax regulations.